Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 3 - There is no looking back...or is there?

Well Hello,

I spent a great deal of time this evening looking back and reading what is actually my very first blog!   Who knew what I was doing then was a blog!!  Back in the end of 2003, I started a website to write - though I didn't know it was a blog at the time.  It was to me, just a website that my friends and family could be updated on my progress and my decision to have gastric bypass surgery.  

In reading it now for the first time in years... many years...  It is ironic now to see how many people in my life now didn't know me "then"...Didn't know the person I was (and yes...loosing that much weigh changes you - who you think you are vs. who you were - because as you shed the weight, you start to shed the walls and barriers you put up to protect yourself - so you are completely different) ... and those who have seen me change, lose the weight, adjust my attitude, become more open and more of myself than I ever knew possible. There are people who may not understand that I am completely OK with my weight now, or why... a weight I've maintained for 12 years (um......YEAH!!!!!) - and there are people who knew me 'then' who get it - or don't.  Life and people will never cease to amaze me. :) 

And now let me clarify this post and my challenge.  I am doing this challenge to teach myself and D how to eat better, eat clean, eat to keep us healthy, eat to maintain things in our life. To me - this is NOT a weight loss thing.  If weigh loss is a by-product of this, then fine.  Sure its fine... but it is not the goal of what I am doing.  I am clean eating to be healthier.  (period. end of point.  everyone get it?  lol ... i can be such a bitch.)

Reading the words I wrote so long ago now, I realize there was no in depth detail as to why I made that decision - and maybe I'll get into it here...  nor any of the background of what I had done prior to making that decision... but I thought I'd share it with you all now... click here if you have the time to read it!  

When I closed the first web site, I saved the writing, but not the pictures - so one of these days, I'll post the before and after that is spoken about in the site.  And some day soon, I'll post an after...and then really after picture as well!

It is funny in looking back, how it can lead to reaffirming the choices I've made to move forward!  And forward I am going.  As my niece once said to me:  "I don't know what direction I am going in, I just know I'm facing forward."  Very true words for a 13yr old (at the time)!  

So, lets look forward..  My Clean eating - here is Day 3.

Breakfast - time to change it up a bit:  Hard boiled eggs (with a bit of mustard), a slice of whole wheat bread and my lovely strawberries and blueberries.

I actually managed to eat the eggs and bread all in one hour... instead of 2 - and kept the berries for my mid morning snack.

Lunch was a simple salad with cucumbers, celery, carrots, edamame, Gorgonzola and a vinaigrette:

Of course I made it too big and only ate half of it... but I'm saving the other half for lunch tomorrow - and just need to add maybe another protein. 

And my afternoon snack.... the old stand by today - organic hummus with veggies! 

And yes - my ever present cup of water!  I've had my 80 oz of water as I'm writing this - and am still going!  :)  Hang on a sec... (yes, i realize as you read this, you won't be hanging on... but I am!) ... I'll be back to the blog in a bit, as it's time to put my Salmon in the oven!!

Ok - here is dinner!  Baked Salmon with a pesto butter and come creamy, cheese spinach.  I simply love the salmon from Costco - it's so easy to cook and it is very delicious!  

On my "plate" for the rest of the evening - berries or cantaloupe if I need anything else to eat - but honestly... I think I'm good!  I think with this lifestyle change, the time soon may come to put Late Night Eating Girl to bed.... I'm not so sure I'll miss her - she wasn't the best influence on US - and she talked A LOT after 8pm!!  ;)

So looking back at my day and my life - I'm happy to look forward!!  

I will close with some quotes that re-read and I posted all those years ago - but absolutely fit life today and probably always!  

"Great love and Great achievements require great risk." - Dalai Llama

"What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." - Buddah

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway.  You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it" - Chinese Proverb

Until Next Time...
EAT (clean...and well)

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