Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day four... day five...ugg.. through day 8!

Hi there...

You know - committing to a blog a day is not easy...and yes, I have not lived up to one a day.  I won't say I failed - because I've been clean eating - I have just let life get in the way, when I should have told life what my way is.  Live and learn...but that is kind of what life is like, right?

So - I'll post a small recap of day 4-8 - which were pretty good.

Day four - Breakfast was the now "good old stand-by" cottage cheese and cantaloupe.  I really do find it filling and delicious - so it will be a staple for my challenge.  I've also pictured what my snack will be -  yogurt and berries... again one of my favorites!

Lunch - I've taken my left over salad from day 3 and added chicken and fresh mozzarella - Delicious!! So long as there is enough protein, I feel full. 

 I was at my friends house for dinner - and she very graciously cooked a 'clean' meal for us to eat.  Grilled chicken and steak with grilled zucchini, squash and onions.  It was so delicious - but I was overwhelmed with the beautiful Bryan that I was visiting - and my friend (his Momma) Michele, that I forgot to take a picture of the great meal.

It is so very nice to be around someone who will help me in this goal that they eat clean because I am there...  Thanks Michele!!! :)

I did bring dessert thought - a favorite of Bryan and mine ---- Fresh Fruit!

Can't go wrong with fruit.  It was a great Thursday with clean eating and great friends!

Day Five - Friday... a work day so I made sure I packed my food for the day.  I'm getting to be an old pro at packing breakfast and lunch!!  I've also saved a bunch of money with not buying food every day!!

Breakfast:  (do I need words anymore for this?!?!)

Lunch was my quinoa salad that I added feta cheese to:

Dinner - a snack mostly of cheese, nuts and fruit.  I wasn't in a 'meal' kind of mood as I was a bit full, so I decided on picking on some healthy snacks.

Day Six - Saturday... No pictures as it was a busy day.  I ate clean for breakfast and lunch - spent some time at the pool, grocery shopping and then had dinner with friends.   It wasn't as clean - we went to a burger place...but I made sure I ordered a burger with cheddar cheese and didn't eat the bun.  I just don't for 100% sure what was in the burger.

Day Seven - Sunday.....Beach Day with DAVE!!!  :)  And, Michele and Bryan joined us. I'd love to flood the blog with pictures with this amazingly cute boy - but won't out of respect for his Mom.

I had a whole wheat bagel thin with some cream cheese for breakfast on the beach.  I made chicken salad as well on the whole wheat bagel thin - not 100% what I would have wanted - as I wouldn't have had two "breads" in one day, but beach eating is tough to gauge for the first time with clean eating. I realize now I could have brought the chicken salad and just eaten it with lettuce or a fork! For snack, I brought lots of fresh fruit along with several very large bottles of water.  It was a great day!!!

Day Eight - Monday... Beach day # 2 with D... and my niece and nephew along:

We also met up with my friend Dina and her girls - so it was a great day full of fun!!

Breakfast was a bit of cottage cheese at home, but one we got to the beach - some yummy Greek yogurt in the sand, watching my family swim in the ocean!

Lunch was chicken salad on flax and oat pita's (won't do that again!!   The Pita's didn't hold up to the chicken salad and got kind of mushy!)  - and of course lots of fresh fruit!  Strawberries, blueberries and pineapple - along with some hummus and carrots & celery... and cheddar cheese.

It was a great day playing at the beach!!

Dinner was filet mignon with grilled asparagus and veggies - so delicious thanks to Stew Leonard's!  A great sale on meat and lots of fresh fruit and veggies - and I even managed to walk out of there with out getting my free ice cream cone!!  Very proud of myself!! :)

I'll post about day 9 (today, Tuesday) either later tonight or tomorrow morning....

If you made it this far on my blog - especially with this post which is just boring food... Thank you - I swear it will get better and maybe a bit funnier... sadder... full of emotion.  Welcome to me - I can be boring at times - and I'm OK with that.....   Are you?

Food for thought....

Until Next Time...
EAT (boring - sometimes)