My Story - (actually - my very first blog!)

This page is to help share with everyone about my decision to have Gastric Bypass surgery.  I came to this conclusion in August of 2002, but this was after many years of thinking and researching.  But August of 02 was the first time I had done something about it...I had an appointment with Dr. Garber - a well known surgeon on Long Island for early October.  Two weeks before my appointment, Dr. Garber stopped taking my insurance - which lead me to research another doctor.  I made an appointment with Dr. Roslin's office in New York City. I was able to get an appointment for mid December of 02. At the end of November, my company changed insurance companies, which Dr. Roslin's office didn't accept.  I was out a 2nd surgeon!  Either the third time was going to be the charm, or I was simply going to quit looking! I was starting to get very frustrated, until I got a referral for Dr. Vohra.

I called Dr. Vohra's office to get an appointment, and was told I had to attend a seminar on Gastric Bypass before the Doctor would see me.  My mom and I went to this 2 hour seminar in January of 2003.  We were given great detail about the surgery - the pro's and con's of the surgery, the risks and the benefits, who is eligible and who isn't; the must do's and the can't ever do.  This seminar was so extremely through that even if you had never heard a word about the surgery, you left there completely informed.   I knew immediately this was the right Doctor.  The very next day I called the office and was able to make an appointment to see Dr. Vohra in March of 2003.  This Doctor is the head of laproscopic surgery at South Nassau Communities Hospital, and very hard to get appointments with!

There were a battery of doctors and tests that I had to go through.  Cardiologists, Endocrinologists, Psychiatrists, Gastro-Entrologists - to name a few.  Several doctors required more than one appointment and then I had to do stress tests, blood tests, and have an endoscopy.  It seemed like there wasn't a doctor I didn't see in those next few months!   The great thing about Dr. Vohra's office is that they built relationships with all of the Doctors that they referred their patients to - so when you called to make an appointment, they were able to push you ahead of the masses.  I was very lucky to have a boss who let me go to and make appointments when I could get them, and managed to go through my tests and doctor's appointments rather quickly.  By the end of the summer, I was given a surgery date for October - and had to start OptiFast.

Dr. Vohra firmly believes in weight loss prior to surgery; it helps shrink the liver (which makes the laproscopic surgery less risky) as well as to test your strength in sticking to the program.  He gives each patient a goal of weight loss prior to surgery and fully expects everyone to meet that goal.

About two weeks prior to surgery, I was told the bad news:  my surgery date was postponed due to insurance reasons, and was to be rescheduled.  It gave me extra time to meet my goal weight, but this set back was very emotionally draining.   My insurance company (like many others) started to require 26 weeks of doctor documented weight loss before approving the surgery.  I was never so thankful that I had been on the Meridia and was able to get the letters and documentation that the insurance company required.  I was rescheduled for surgery and continued the OptiFast with a vengeance.  I finally got my approval and had a surgery date of November 25.  Well, as most of you know - if something is to go wrong for me, it will (thanks Murphy!).  On November 20, after walking on uneven ground, I broke my foot!! Surgery postponed once again.  To top it all off - my company changes insurance companies once again!  On top of the pain of a broken foot, I had to go through the approval process all over again!   Finally, the foot healed, and I got another surgery date...

I had my surgery Feb. 5, 2004.  By the morning of my surgery I had already lost 35 lbs.  I went to the hospital with my mother (whom I could have never gone through all of this with out) and was met there by Laura (and my sister to meet up there later).  With their support, I went through my check in, and then was wired up to iv's and waited.  I was supposed to go into surgery at 1pm - but didn't go in until about 4pm.  Even being rolled into the operating room, I didn't feel an ounce of nerves - I didn't feel afraid.  I was completely calm and utterly ready for this to happen.

I think my sister said it best with her balloons and flowers... Happy Birthday.  February 5 is my 2nd birthday, and I will always celebrate it as such - the day the new me was born.

I don't remember much from the recovery room, except a very dry mouth and a lot of noise.  The next time I woke up, the dry mouth was still there and so was a nurse telling me to get out of bed and walk around.  (The nurses get you up and walking every 2 hours to prevent blood clots, and help get you healing quicker) I got up, blew by my sister with a few choice words did my laps and went back to bed.  I don't remember much about having my Mom, Kris and Laura in my room - though Laura told me that I told her "I was sorry I couldn't keep my eyes open".  I do remember seeing flowers though - they were in my room before I was (leave it to the Lumbards!!) and it was super nice to wake up to them the next morning. 

I had some pain of course, but it was very minimal (thank God for Morphine and Tylenol with Codeine!!).  Day one after surgery, the physical therapists came in and took me to their little place of misery...I had to walk up a set of stairs...twice, and then they brought me back to my room and made me get in and out of a flat bed.  I wouldn't be released until I could do this - so I did... but I still wonder why they didn't wait until Day 3 or 4 for this hellish thing. After day two (and tests on my new stomach to make sure there were no leaks) I was given the 'all's well' and was able to start eating... Sugar Free Jello and Broth.  After 4 days in the hospital (one extra day due to a fever) I was released.  With great support from my family, friends and work, I was home for two weeks (me, my mom and my wonderful bottle of Tylenol with Codeine) to recover before going back to work.

There was pain the first couple of weeks, and more so because I tended to over do things.  I probably went back to work a bit too soon, but needed to get out of the house!  Things went smoothly from the beginning, thank God.  I had no complications and just stuck to what the nutritionist told me.  Continued to eat my jello and broth, and was so happy when I could eat 1/2 of a scrambled egg.  Imagine that, eating only 1/2 of an egg!!  I could eat a couple of teaspoons of cottage cheese and ricotta cheese and eventually graduated to more serious protein like chicken and tuna.  My first Doctor's visit was 2 weeks post surgery, to have staples and check my progress.  I lost 14 pounds in two weeks!  Imagine my complete surprise.  I know this was supposed to work, but until that moment standing on the scale, I just didn't realize.  I am looking forward to seeing how life will progress and change as I continue down this journey.

August 1: 
It's been an interesting road for the past 6 months - full of trial and error.  Learning what to eat and what to say away from; what I can eat today, I can't necessarily eat tomorrow; what makes me sick instantly, and what takes a few hours to sneak up on me and cause me pain.   I am addicted to decaf iced latte's and iced tea (and am very sick of my new best friend...water -  but drink it regularly).  I'm eating protein (and found I can eat the carbs so I am being very careful of those), I'm taking my vitamins and calcium and Biotin...and even still, my hair is falling out!  But I am loosing weight  - and my hair will grow back as soon as my body starts to stabilize.  I have energy that I don't know where it has come from - and still no desire to exercise at all (though I know I have to, and will have to for the rest of my life).

At the six month mark of my surgery date... I have lost a total of 130 lbs (from I first saw Dr. Vohra til today). I have gone down 5 dress sizes and one shoe size.  Who'd have thunk that my feet would shrink??   I have clavicle bones, shoulders, one chin, ribs, long fingers, skinny ankles and dimples! 

Oh, I know I still have more weight to loose - and will definitely need more surgery in the future (tummy tuck for sure).  I'm hoping that the gym will help eliminate some of the arm fat and upper thigh fat as well...but what doesn't get 'worked out' will get cut out (and while I'm under the knife again, I'm going to have the girls put back up north too!!).

Well, that's it for now.. Will update again soon. 

November 9:
Well, I have officially passed the 9 month point from the date of surgery; however it's been 1 year since we've started the weight loss counter.  I have officially lost 144 pounds!!!!  The past three months have been tough, yet easy at the same time. 

Tough in that I've plateaued a bit with my weight loss, which is totally expected and normal, but frustrating at the same time.  I had gotten used to getting on the scale and seeing pounds a week come off... and had to get used to the same number looking back up at me for several days even a week in a row.  But I've seemed to gotten over the plateau and am loosing again - though it is slower than before...again completely normal. 

Easy in that I've gotten into a rhythm with what to eat and what sits well with me.  I know what to stay away from for the time being.  I still cross my fingers that I'll be able to eat veggies again - I still can't and wish I could.  I can't wait until I can eat a nice, fresh, crisp salad again - but for the most part, those are the only things I really can't handle. I am forever eating cheese - good thing I love it!!  Chicken and turkey are my best friends - love to eat fish and crab (Legal Seafood has the best crabcake!!) and while I can eat shellfish, I tend to stay away from it.  Let's face it...I'm lazy and it's chewy!!   I am eating a bit of carbs - with in what the nutritionist says I should be having - and while I am enjoying it, I am leery of it at the same time.  You're talking to the Carb Queen over here!!  I am happy to say that the days of getting sick every day are gone - and now only get sick when I do something stupid... you'd think I'd learn!!  I can even go weeks with out getting sick - and believe me that is a complete delight! 

I am at the gym now religiously four days a week and two of those days I am working with a personal trainer.  I still think she is trying to kill me, but I can see so many differences in what I can do compared to what I used to I won't complain too loud (unless she makes me go up one more flight of stairs - then I think I'm throwing down and brawling with her!!).  I'm determined to stick with it and keep trudging on, and believe it or not... I don't hate it anymore.  I can't go so far as to say I like it - I don't know if I'll ever be one of those people... but I enjoy how proud of myself I feel afterwards and I like that I can run after my nieces and nephews and not be out of breath. 

I am finding that I LOVE to shop!!  Go figure, when the clothes fit, you like to try them on and buy them!!  I could really be a clothes horse here.  I have to say, if it weren't for my Mom... always with the sewing machine...I'd be spending much more than I already have on new clothes.  She is awesome!!   I am forever grateful to everyone who has been giving me their hand me downs.  Pat and Kris - I appreciate it so much.  And to Barbara who is has been giving me trunks full of some fabulous clothes and coats...She is the reason I'll be warm this winter, and looking good!!  And may I say, Barbara, you're looking mighty slender and wonderful yourself!! 

And lastly - MY HAIR HAS STOPPED FALLING OUT!!!  You can't imagine how exciting that is for me.  I am still taking my biotin and vitamins every day - but its nice to get in the shower and not see fists full of hair in the drain.  My hair is even starting to grow back - and I have little sprouts all over my head that I hairspray down so I don't look ridiculous!

Well, that's about it for now.  The holiday season is upon us and it will be interesting to see how different it is this year from previous years.  I'll hardly be able to eat one helping of thanksgiving dinner... when in years past, seconds and thirds were always a favorite.  That still shocks me sometimes - remembering what I used to be able to eat and knowing there is no way I could do that now. 

Well, I'm looking forward to the next months - where I'll loose the last bit of weight I have to go - only about 50 pounds or so left until I should be done.  That is exciting!!  Then it'll be time to investigate the surgeons!!  Any suggestions would be welcome!!

Have a good Holiday - and I'll update again soon!!

January 16, 2005
I hope everyone had very happy and healthy holidays!  Aside from being sick, hurting my foot and completely sleeping through New Years - I did rather well around the Holidays.  I was very nervous about how things would be, but handled it rather well, if I do say so myself.  I've gotten a bit carried away with the sweets - I seem to be able to handle sugar and have a complete sweet tooth these days...something I never really had before surgery.  I am trying to dig deep for that will power that I want so badly, and I am working hard to suppress that need for sugar (or at least deal with it in moderation...that is the key, isn't it?!).  It's hard to deal with when I know that the Maison du Chocolat is so close around the corner... so I'll just stay away from 30 Rock for a long while - and believe me, that will be hard to do!!!!

Well, I am one month away from my one year anniversary... February 5th is right around the corner, and while I celebrate my "second birthday"... I've hit a milesone...150 pounds lost (ah, I'm doing the WOO HOO dance right about now, anyone care to join me?!?).  While I am excited and completely proud of myself, I am oh so anxious for the end of this journey.  I know I've got about six or so months left until I'llb e considered "done"...but I'm not liking this slowing down thing that I am experiencing.  I know in my head that the weight loss slowing down is completely normal - but I don't have to like it!  I am not the most patient person in the world, you know...But I am planning for my future and doing things that will hopefully jump start my weight loss again for those last couple of pounds and help me deal with the art of eating.

I'm still at the gym, though the past couple of weeks, I had to take a bit of a break through the holidays (how convenient!!).  With being sick, then hurting my foot - the gym has taken a back burner for a bit.  In an odd way, I miss it... I still don't like it, but I miss how good I felt after.  I'm starting to get back on track now that I've gotten the approval from the doctor and am starting to feel better.  Oh, and I'm still growing the alphalpha sprouts with my hair growing back in... makes it difficult to wear my hair straight with out looking like a complete freak - so I've been in curly mode for a while.  I'd forgotten how much I liked my curly hair - especially now as it's getting thicker again.  While I liked my shorter cut for the summer months (which made the hair falling out easier to deal with), I miss my longer locks...and am working on growing it out again.

It's time for new clothes again.  It's the coolest feeling that things I bought just two or three months ago are big and loose...and I'd love to have another shopping spree - but jeez, who can afford that?!  Mom will have to break out the sewing machine again.  I had a new experience the other day... I had to make two new holes in my belt!!  Who'd have thunk?!  But now I'm dealing with baggy shirts and very loose pants, and even the belt isn't working anymore.  Believe me, if you see me walking with one hand on my hip, I'm not having my usual attitude, I"m just holding up my undies!!

Well, enough for now.  I'll update again soon.  Keep smiling!! =)

February 5, 2005:                                       HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!
I can hardly believe that I am celebrating my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!  It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on the recliner in my room sipping on the Tylenol with codine, growling at anyone who suggested I get up and walk.  Did they know what it was like to walk after major stomach surgery??  I did it anyway, terrified of blood clots, but not with out a lot of grumbling. 

I have to knock on wood and thank my guardian angles that I really did have an easy time of it with the surgery; no complications, no lasting side effects - all and all a very positive experience for me.  For the most part, things are back to normal for me... what ever normal for me was!!  Yes, I still have some days of getting sick - there simply are some foods that don't agree with me. Thankfully these days are not so frequent anymore.  And yes, it gets very frustrating that I could eat roasted potatoes one night, and get sick on them the very next day... what's with that?!?  And yes, I have my moments of complete and sheer stupidity when I make myself sick... but that's all a part of this learning process. 

I miss my veggies - and long for some green beans, broccoli and oh!  a nice, big, fresh, crisp salad!!  Eventually I will be able to eat them, but for now I stay away.  I can eat eggplant and artichoke hearts though, and avocado (guacamole, anyone?) so for now, that will have to do. 

I am so very thankful for all of my family and friends who have been so super supportive during this entire process.  I don't know if I could have done this with out any of them.  And I have to say - my sister has done an amazing job on my book.  Kris and her Creative Memories talent is quite wonderful and as I look through my journey through her pictures, I can hardly believe what I am seeing. 

Lastly, I am leaving a few quotes here - that I am sending out to one of the most special, dearest people in my life; one who will aways have my love, always have my complete support, always have my shoulder if ear to opinions whether they are wanted or not (because this is one who can tolerate me even with my too outspoken mouth!!!)... 

"Great love and Great acheivements require great risk." - Dalai Llama
"What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." - Buddah
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway.  You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it" - Chinese Proverb
I love you, dahling.. =)

Will update soon... hopefully with more wonderful progress as I get back into the swing of things, back to the gym, and closer to my goal!!

April 13, 2005:
Ok, so it's one year, two months and nine days post op... and can anyone say "HOLY PLATEAU"?!?  Ah, hello - frustrating is such a mild word for what I feel about this.  I keep telling myself that this is normal, and I am being told that this is normal - but do you know how hard it is to see multiple pounds coming off in a day or two... and then not to see nay in a week or two?  Jeez-a-lou... it's tough.

Ok, so the tally tolls as such:  a loss of 157 pounds so far.  Nothing to sneeze at, I know... but still - I am waiting on that last 30 or so pounds to come off - then surgery time!  I am getting ready to do my research on the plastic surgeons, which is a very scary but exciting thought.  I don't want to be a stick, or too thin.. but getting rid of the excess is a good thought... and of course, you can't leave out the girls - back north for them. It means a new era to begin... I can't say the "end is near" as there will never really be an end to this.  I will have to work, plan, make decisions and deal with my obesity for the rest of my life...I will just be doing it a whole lot thinner than I was.

It is very hard to express how it feels to say I've lost so much weight... on one hand, I'm super proud and excited about it... and on the other hand, I think - the weight loss is actually more, if I add what I lost pre surgery on Meridia - its a 208 pound loss (Holy CowPies)... and on the other hand, I have this person inside me screaming "How'd you let this happen?!?" and I feel horrible about it.  That's alot of hands to deal with - which makes this whole process tougher than anyone realizes.  Its not the physical that gets you... you can deal with the pain of the surgery - that goes away... you can deal with the vomiting and feeling sick - that goes away eventually too.  You can deal with getting severe arthritis in your knees as a result of being so heavy for so long... but it's the reasons you gained the weight that doesn't go away, that is still with you and the feelings are still with you.  It's tougher work than I thought it would be - the loosing wasn't tough, but maintaining and keeping it off is work, hard work... and not all just physical work.  In parts of my mind - I'm still that girl I was over a year ago.

I find it very easy to slip back into old habits, and most times during those before I even realize that I am doing it.  Snacking more than I should - grazing really, rather than eating set meals.  Tougher still is that I can't seem to kick this sweet tooth that I've aquired post op... I'm not going overboard - but I am definitely dipping my toes in the water, so to speak.  Time to put the nose to the grindstone and start working at this.
So, time to flat out state some of my goals for the next few months:
1. Water, water everywhere.. and I don't seem to drink it.. My goal is to drink much more water, actual water than I do.  I thank my friends and those who are watching out for me who are constantly reminding me to drink my water... I need my reminders - them them coming!!!
2. Quit the sugar... I hate that I can eat it so easily... I almost wish it made me violently ill - but unfortunately, it does not.  I want to eat much less sugar than I do, and much more protein than I do.  It's all about my choices and my goal is to make the right ones.
3.  Exercise more... seems a tougher thing to do these days.. with my bad knees (ah.. an excuse - anyone surprised?!).  I have the energy, but not the desire.  I've been good at going twice a week for an hour of cardio but it is time to force myself to exercise more.  As summer approaches, time to walk the beach - sun, sand and ocean waves to recharge the batteries!.
4. By August 3th... loose those 30 pounds.  Can it be done in 4 1/2 months?  Who knows.. maybe yes, maybe no... but I am going to use what I know and try my hardest.  If I don't make this goal, I wont be disappointed, so long as I stick to goals 1, 2 and 3 - then 4 will fall into place as it should.

Ok, I'm done for the time being.  I will update again soon, and hopefully with some new pictures. But before I go - a few words to my dearest dahling... Your decisions have required such a strength from you; strength and courage that I've always known you had.  You should be quite proud of yourself, I know I am.  I am so very proud of you... I'm so very happy for you... I'm so very excited for you.  It's going to be wonderful and successful and magical - this experience you're starting out on.  It will be one of the most amazing accomplishments with lots of trying times, crying times but surprisingly fantastic times in your life.  Your doors are opening, my dear - and I gladly walk through them with you.  3 weeks left.. I love you!

August 5, 2005
It's exactly one year, 6 months since surgery day - can you believe it??  I certainly can't.  I've lost a total of 160 lbs since surgery - for a total of 211 lbs (from the beginning).  I know I've said it before, but as proud of that as I am...I still get the 'holy did I let that happen?!?" feeling.  I am very pleased that I have done a good job at maintaining myself at this level.  I've come to the realization that I have stopped loosing - and while I do drop a pound or two here and also comes back depending on the weather, my mood, my water intake...normal things.  I'm ok with that.  I've also noticed that while I have maintained - things seem to be re-arranging and shifting around, because my clothes still seem like they are getting loose.  It's an awesome feeling to be buying clothes and liking what I am wearing...oh, I like this shopping thing way too much!! Oh well. What I am dealing with now is the tons of extra skin I have.  I have Bat Wings now!  When I'm in a tank, I could probably take flight, if I flapped my arms hard enough!!  While it doesn't really bother me, I am still self-conscious about it and will still put a sweater on - much to some people's dismay.  Well, I don't want to look at it, why should I subject others??  =)  Oh, I'd love to see more weight come off, I know I had a goal on my last update for another 30 lbs to come off - and that didn't happen...I am not majorly disappointed.  With the Doctor's I've been seeing lately, I've been told that the rest of my weight will more than likely be surgically removed.  I still have yet to get the 'official' word from the Surgeon's office - I missed that appointment this week (duh! completely forgot about it!) but as soon as I reschedule, I'll get their opinion on the matter.

I've been to several plastic surgeons in the past few months and have decided to go with Dr. Kilgo at Long Island Plastic Surgery group in Garden City.  I was very pleased with all that they had to say, and the information that I received.  Basically, with my body type and the amount of excess skin I have, and in all the places that are effected...the procedure I am looking towards is called a "circumferential body lift" - and yes, it is as big as it sounds!  Basically, I'm going to be cut from about my kidney area on one side, all the way around to the other - then skin removed and things pulled down, pushed up and moved around so that my butt gets a bit of a lift, my back gets flatter, my tummy is gone... The only area's this doesn't cover is the thighs, arms and the girls.  Those are things that I may or may not deal with in the next few years, but the big stuff will get out of the way.  We are starting the process of putting the claim through the insurance company - so that is the next issue to tackle.  I have letters from my Surgeon and my Primary - so it's a waiting game now.  If all goes well, I'd plan to have the surgery in November - to start the New Year the real "New Me".  It's a weird, strange feeling, knowing the body I've lived with for so long will be so very different and alien to me...and it's very hard to 'imagine' it.  Time will tell how that all works out, I guess.  What ever may be, I have a tremendous amount of support and love around me, which I am forever thankful for.  What ever would I do with out it?!?

My dearest Laura had her surgery in May, and then promptly moved to Kirkland (right outside of Seattle) for new job with Microsoft.  I just got back from a quick (way too quick) visit with her and may I say, she is doing wonderfully!!  I can see such changes already - and it's only three months since surgery. Her face is thinning, her body is melting away - it's so exciting to 're-live' this process through her...knowing what she is going through and experiencing.  She is already dropping sizes - and the big changes are yet to come!  I am putting her picture up on the front page so you all can see, just look at how her face is changed, and is more oval - and what beautiful eyes she has!!  Can you tell I am but a little proud of my dearest friend?!  There is no other I would share this journey with, my soul mate sister! 

Ok so on my last update, I listed some goals, of which we already know I didn't loose the 30 pounds I had wanted.  That is not of my control at this point, I believe - but I am just as proud of maintaining, so that's all good.  In regards to the water issue...Ew.  I hate it.  But I drink it - not in the quantities that I would like - but I drink Decaf Coffee so I can count that, and I did find a great 'fruit' drink that is no sugar, calories that is my water too.  I do want to get better with it, and that is still a goal for me.  Exercise...oh, doing it.  I gotta be honest, right?  I hate it even more than my water!  BUT...I have ordered myself a new fangled machine...and I have a mind to make sure I use it.  Once it gets delivered, I vow to do at least 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week...I can do it, I am absolutely positive, and I don't think that is too far out of reach.  I also ordered weights to help tone the bat wings and see if I can make them smaller (I've been told yes by some, and no by others - so trying can't hurt!). And the sugar issue... well, I haven't quit it completely - but I have cut back in a serious way.  I no longer "need" the piece of chocolate a day, as I had gotten used to...I make sure there is Splenda around at all times, and I am very conscious of my intake.  Yes, I am not perfect, I have my ice cream now and again, and I do have sweets and chocolate once and a while (ok, once a week, give or take) but I am doing it in major moderation - something I hadn't done before so YIPEE to me!! 

Mom and I just got back from a wonderful two weeks in Italy.  It was as exhausting as it was amazing!!  I walked and walked...and walked...with out getting winded or having to stop and rest.  I rode in a chair lift in Carpi and I tolerated the heat with out completely dying.  I did things during those two weeks that I never would have, or could have done if it hadn't been for the surgery. In 6 short weeks, I am going to Disney and Universal with Kris, Scott and Rachel.  I can't wait for the roller coasters!!  Something else I wouldn't or couldn't have done if it hadn't been for the surgery.  In two and a half months (end of October) I will be heading on down Jamaica way with Dave...who knows if I would be doing that, or even met Dave if it hadn't been for the surgery and all the wonderful things that I have done, or has happened to me since.  And believe me, I am counting down the days to relaxing on a gorgeous white sand beach in the caribbean with my guy....and I am ever thankful for him and all he has brought to my life.  And quite possibly, a few weeks after that - I could be having the plastic surgery.  It signals the end of this journey that has been my life for the past couple of years.  I guess what I am trying to point out is that if my journey - if this process should be done now - even with out the plastic surgery - I would be happy and content with how things have worked for me.  An amazing experience, so many life lessons taught and learned, and a girl who has become comfortable (finally) in her own skin (no matter how much of it she has!). 

I will post again as soon as I know what is happening with the plastic surgery.  And as always, I have to say a quick thanks to everyone who keeps me sane (yeah, like that is a possibility...let me rephrase that...) Thanks to everyone who keeps me as grounded as I can be, but most of all, for all of their support and love.  It means so much to me, and it has helped me get through this process.  Love to you all!!

September, 2005:
OK, just a quick update with some news... I got approved for my plastic surgery!  Can we all stand up and do the happy dance together??  I have a surgery date of November 17 - so cross your fingers and toes that nothing prevents, delays or stops it!!  I had too many 'issues' with the first surgery - so I'm counting on that being all the 'trouble' that I have.  I've still been yo-yo'ing with those darn 5 pounds, but that is not a terrible concern...I am doing well, and that is what counts. With the weight that comes off with this surgery - I am at my goal - and that is a beautiful thing!!
Kris, Scott, Rachel and I just got back from a wonderful (long and tiring) fantastic week at Disney... So I posted a most recent picture of me to the left.  And below is the newest face shot - taken in late August. The face hasn't changed much in the past months...and it's exciting that the next picture I post here will be the!!  I probably won't post until after surgery, and definitely no more pictures until after all the swelling goes down from the surgery.  Hope everyone stays well and healthy, and has a great Halloween...I know I will - Dave and I will be in Jamaica!!  I also hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

November 28, 2005:
Hello!  Well, I'm a week and a half post op from my body lift and skin removal.  I had my surgery on November 17.  I ended up in surgery and under anesthesia for about 8 hours, but I am very happy with the outcome.  All in all, they removed almost 28 pounds of skin.  Dr. Kilgo and his staff were wonderful, and the hospital staff at South Side couldn't be nicer or more accommodating.  I felt bad for my Mom and Dave, who waited for hours for me to come out of surgery, then waited to see me in the Recovery room.  The were able to see me for just a few minutes and were told to wait in my room... and I didn't get to my room for about 2 hours after that.  What troopers they were to wait!!  I ended up staying in Recovery longer than usual as my blood counts were low, and my blood sugar was extremely high (over 300!).  Thank goodness for the Doctor who made me donate my own blood two weeks before, as I did get a transfusion in Recovery which is what delayed me.  I got into my room around 11:30pm, give or take.  By the next morning, my Blood Sugar was decreasing - they said it was a normal side effect from being under anesthesia for so long.  I basically spent the day sleeping on and off - getting my morphine shot every 4 hours, blood tested daily and vitals every few hours as well. I did get up and out of bed, which was not the most comfortable thing to do, but when the Doctor came in, he said everything looks good and that I need to walk around, so I did.  He also said I would be spending an additional night in the hospital because of my blood counts (they were still low) and I did get another transfusion of my own blood that day as well.  I finally went home on Saturday afternoon, with my prescription for  Percocet in hand.  

Honestly, I wasn't in as much pain as I thought I would be - but I think that had a lot to do with the fact that I would take my pain meds on time and not let things get out of hand.  Tuesday I went back to the Doctors office, where they removed all the dressing from my incisions and the Doctor was pleased with how things were healing.  I left with out anything on my incisions, no pressure garment, no dressings - just my incisions against the world..that was a weird feeling.  I was constantly afraid that any way I moved, I would pull something - and I could feel the skin pulling with out anything on to support it. Keep in mind, my incision does go all the way around me - so there is really no 'comfortable' area for me to rest on.  I have four drains that are a pain in the butt.. When I saw Kris for Thanksgiving, she said it looks like a cow's utters...(isn't she sweet!! Oh I laughed so hard when she said that!!).  Dr. Kilgo said that when I see him again (this Tuesday) I will have two of those drains out - so I am glad for that.  As of now, I am off the percocet (was on it for a week) and am now taking vicodin, which is a bit less strong than percocet.  I am definitely up and around more each day - though yesterday started with some back pain - it seems that I am starting to get the feeling back in some area's of the skin back there...and may I say "OUCH!".  No matter what pain pill I take, that doesn't go away - so I am grinning and bearing it for now. 

It was weird celebrating Thanksgiving, nearly flat on my back - but I did it anyway.  Dave and I went to my Mom's house where we had fun with Andrew and Julia for a while, until they left to go to Grandpa's in Vermont... but we had a full house for dinner; Peter, Tricia, Shane and Kaley were there...along with Kris, Scott and Rachel.  Good food, Good company - what more can a girl ask for?  And I am fully aware of just what I am Thankful for this year... I am so Thankful for my family...My mom, as usual has been wonderful - as always my rock and my support.  And Dave.  Can I tell you about my Angel...Dave....  Through out this entire process, he's been wonderfully supportive but from the day he picked me up from the Hospital, he's been by my side...not only taking wonderful care of me, but taking fabulous care of my babies.  I never once had to worry about the Cats and Dogs, I never once had to worry about anything I would need, or they would need.  All I needed to worry about was getting well.   He is such a comfort, such a support, such an amazing person...I am blessed to have him in my life and oh so very thankful for him, for all that he is, for all that he does...He has made this process all the more easier just by him being here with me. 
Ok, I've sat upright enough for today - it still hurts to sit at the computer... I will update again soon, and with pictures once the swelling goes down and I've done a bit of shopping.  I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!!  Love, Me!

Dec 17, 2005... 1 month Post op
Can I even put into words the differences in my life since this surgery?  Recovery seems so much slower than I would like, but then I have to remember its only been 4 weeks, and I was told 6 - 8 weeks to even begin to feel normal again.  Here's the question... How does one feel normal when one has been sawed in half and sewn back together again?!  I find that funny.  I'm up and around - slowly but surely and even back to work part time for the next week or two.  It feels good to get out of the house! I am still very swollen and have pain nearly every day - and wishing for my Vicodin...but dealing with it on Tylenol.  I am counting down the days when I can sleep in my bed again... I still can't lay flat or even on a pillow or two very comfortably, so I've been sleeping in a barker lounger.

Oh, it was great in the beginning, but now I am restless in it - and I want my bed, my pillows, my comfort!  Soon, I hope.  I am still very surprised how exhausted I get doing the most simple of things - taking a shower and getting dressed... I need a nap after that!  Oh well.  I'm stronger each day, and looking forward to so many things.  I've done some shopping since I've been home but since I'm still so swollen, I know I'll have a shopping spree in a month or two - That is going to be fun!!  But my budget is glad that Christmas is coming!!  I am looking forward to Christmas Eve day having brunch with the family and watching the kiddies open their presents.  I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve night with Dave's family.  I'm looking forward to Christmas day and a quiet day relaxing with my guy.  I am looking forward to the day after Christmas when I get to see my Laura for the first time in months... such changes in us both.  Laura has reached the 100 lb mark - she has lost over 100 lbs since the start of her surgery journey... Yippee!!!  I will post a pic of her when I get one.   But most of all, I am looking forward to the New Year with the New me...and seeing what life has in store for me, for my family, for Dave and I, for my Laura, for everyone I love and care about.  I wish to everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year... I will post again with a picture after the holiday season.. when I am less swollen and have taken time to do something to my hair - or at the very least, put in my contacts!!  Best wishes to everyone.... Love, Me

Hello!!  I can't believe it's been almost 6 months since I've updated..  Life is good here.  I have a new body, new outlook on life, a fantastic boyfriend, a great family, I just got back from vacation... what more could a girl want?!?  I am so thrilled with the outcome of the surgery.  If I were to have a 'perfect' body, I'd get my arms and thighs done... but since I'm not made of money - I'll have to get deal with it.  It is almost like a 'badge' of what I've come from to where I've arrived to - so when I look at it like that, I can tolerate the jiggles and bounces along the way. I find it funny that I am more accepting of my 'bat wings' and they are more visible, but I absolutely hate my yucky thighs, so if I were to opt for more plastics - those may be next. But for now, I am what I am, and I am darn proud of myself and what I have accomplished.

I am pretty stable with my weight.  My grand total weight loss is 239 pounds (holy cow!) and while ideally, I'd like to loose another 20 or so pounds, if I don't - I'm ok with staying where I am.  And believe me... It is a struggle to stay where I am.  For anyone who's gone through all of this... they know that the surgery and initial weight loss is the easy part - this after surgery part is the killer.  Now that I can eat some what normally - it is much harder to maintain the weight loss and it is so very easy to gain weight.  I wish I was one of those fanatical, religiously stringent people - but I can't seem to be that way no matter what I tell myself.  So I do good most days, with a few bad days... and then I will sporadically get on my vile machine and exercise.  I hate my vile machine, by the way... (it's the Gazelle) and I hate doing crunches and I hate sweating.  I wish I could like it... I'm trying to like it... but I don't.  Oh well, at least I'm trying to do it.  Anyone have a magic pill to like exercising?!?!  If so - give me an email!!

Well, it's the start of my travel season... I went to Mexico in the beginning of May with my friend Ann-Marie... had a great time relaxing (and it was great to go to a new place!  I'll have to go back!!).  I got tan, then very sunburnt the last day - and peeled like crazy because of it.  Dave and I just got back from St. Thomas - the most beautiful place in the world.  We had a fantastic time - did nothing but relax on various beaches and the pool, and enjoyed each other's company.  Where do you go when you've just gotten back from Paradise?!?  Turks and Caicos, that's where!!  But that is our October trip, that Kristy, Scott, Rachel and my Mom are joining us on.  We can't wait!!  But before then...Kris and Rachel are coming up this weekend for our Girls Weekend... a day in NYC to see Beauty and the Beast and some Family get together time.  Then at the end of June, I'm off to NC to visit Kris - and we're going to the Biltmore in Ashville - that will be fun.  Dave and I are definitely planning some time at the Lake (probably in July or August) and then I would like to schedule time maybe in September for Seattle and then October in Phoenix (Seattle = Laura and Phoenix = Tejah and Trevion).  Can't you tell I love to travel?!  Good thing I'm a Travel Agent!! 

Ok, I've posted new pics of me - One from March (hence, long clothes) and one from Megan's Bay in St. Thomas.  Imagine how far out of my comfort zone it is for me to post a pic in a bathing suit, but most of the 'problem area's' are hidden, so here goes!!

Oh yes, Life is good... and I am in love and happy... Can't you tell by the goofy smile I seem to have on my face all the time!!  I'll post again soon.. but for now, I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe summer!

Feb 2008- Four years post surgery.  Blows my mind.  I know I havent updated in a while. Quite frankly, I forget about this site and I'm sure most others do too.  I am healthy, happy and going strong.  Still the "usual" struggles - can't get myself to exercise, but I'm watching my calories and very pleased with my progress. 

The milestones of these past months - I left my job at Liberty Travel - now working for Meeting Planning company and enjoying myself.  Dave and I moved in together.  I lost my Vesta in July to the Rainbow Bridge - and weeks later bought home Delilah.  She is Dave and my 'first' baby together.  And sadly, this week, my Max followed his sister to the Rainbow bridge. 

I may not update this again - I've even thought about shutting it down - but something keeps me paying the fee and having it up here.  For History's sake, I guess. 

Thanks for your interest, whom ever you are... and don't hesitate to email me if you want more details!!   xoxo Emily 

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