It has been a busy few weeks and busy in my world means getting lazy. I've been so good with eating as cleanly as possible since the last challenge but these past two-ish weeks has been harder and harder... I've done it the best I could but being too busy to prepare has made me realize that I won't let Lazy girl win - and I need to take the time - MAKE the time to prep so that I can be as clean as I can be when I eat.
As if the Universe outside of my own was listening - my friend who had started me on the Clean Eating Challenge back in August decided to start up another...longer challenge.
"This clean eating challenge group will run from Oct 17-Dec 22nd, 2016 We are preparing our minds, bodies and spirit for a healthier new year.
Studies show that most people gain a significant amount of weight between Oct-Dec. Why? there are 3 holidays and people often give in well past the 1 day event. This groups is about support first. Second, its about education. Learning about clean eating and the benefits of adopting this life style. Third, its about commitment. This is not my group, its our group. members are expected to post daily, share tips, ideas, support, encouragement, photos and success. We have to help each other. We will get to our goal."
This comes to me exactly when I needed it. I realized that what I missed most was the support...those people who know what I am doing and why; who feel some of what I am feeling; who understand the frustrations, the joys, the sense of pride when you get through a day being 100% clean. The support that keeps me committed to the lifestyle change I have decided that I needed in my life.
This challenge comes to me when:
- I've just hit the mark of loosing 29 pounds since January (pounds I wasn't looking to loose but is a happy side effect!).
- When I've had to break out my jeans and pants for the cool weather (cause I've been wearing dresses all summer) and they are swimming on me... (like so crazy big that I had to throw out all but two pair of my jeans and work pants!).
- When I've just come back from shopping for pants and have gone down a full pant size!
I am well beyond thrilled that my decision to eat better has caused such amazing changes - but the change I am most proud of is my attitude. I am strong enough to do this and maintain this lifestyle change - this new challenge will help me take this new habit and solidify it as my new normal.
So in prep for my new normal - I'm making a new recipe for my clean eating this week.
Apple Banana Quinoa Breakfast Cups
½ cup applesauce
1 cup mashed banana (about 3 bananas)
1 banana for slicing
1 cup cooked quinoa (about ½ cup dry)
2 ½ cups old-fashioned oats
½ cup almond milk
¼ cup honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 apple, peeled and chopped
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a muffin tin (I use olive oil).
Cook the quinoa. Bring ¾ up water to a boil, pour in ½ cup dry quinoa, reduce to a simmer until fluffy—about 12 minutes.
Mix applesauce, mashed banana, almond milk, honey and vanilla in a bowl.
Mix dry ingredients (quinoa, oats, cinnamon) in a separate bowl. Slowly stir the wet into the dry until fully combined.
Peel core and chop up an apple. Mix the apple chunks into the bowl.
Fill each of the muffin cups to the top with the quinoa mixture. Add a banana slice or two to the top of each.
Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Let cool for 5 minutes, then enjoy one warm!
Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Reheat leftovers in the microwave before eating. You can also add some crushed pecans or walnuts to these--experiment! (These quinoa breakfast cups are delicious and filling—each one is dense, so it only takes one (or, ok, maybe two) to satisfy morning hunger. You can eat them like a muffin, or break one up in a little bit of warm almond milk and eat it like oatmeal)

(This picture and recipe was originally posted to the blog)
I'll show you mine in the next few days and let you know how they are. I won't be posting daily about this challenge, but I will be posting a bit more regular as I like to have the accountability to help this all work.
Well - off to watch the Walking Dead rundown before the season premier next week. Hope you all have a great week and I'll chat with you soon!
Until Next Time...
EAT (new recipes!)
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